Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Teaching and Covid 2021

Many students, families, and teachers have been looking forward to in-person learning this fall, but now find themselves on a pandemic roller coaster as the school year opens with a surge of COVID-19 cases. 

Our program opted to begin the year with mask-optional for staff and students. A rare few chose to wear masks. The population of students that we serve are not eligible for vaccination and thus are at higher risk. In addition, staff are not required to be vaccinated or to share their status with coworkers and families. 

Just ONE week into teaching, I tested positive. 

My symptoms began with sinus pressure and itchy eyes, I thought it was seasonal allergies. After a couple of days, my congestion relieved, resulting in some drainage and an occasional cough to clear my throat. I continued to think it was allergies. 

On the third day, I scheduled a test. More as a precaution and to make sure that I was not risking those close to me. Test availability in our area is difficult. Luckily, I was able to test and receive my results within 24 hours. 

Let the quarantine begin! I'm now 7 days since the onset of my symptoms. I have not suffered additional symptoms and look forward to getting back to work. 


Just one week into teaching, I tested positive for Covid. My symptoms were mild, I thought I was suffering from seasonal allergies. I'm thankful that I was fully vaccinated 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Ironman Tulsa 2021 Race Report


        Ironman Tulsa race report    

Total: 14:30    Swim: 1:20    Bike 6:38    Run: 6:17

Lucky number 8 on the road to legacy status (12) and a Kona slot. My training leading up to the race wasn’t perfect but it was consistent. I ebbed with motivation when Ironman Texas (April) was rescheduled and flowed when family priorities came before training. I missed some long bike sessions but felt prepared for Tulsa. Race logistics provided a new level of stress but I planned to race the course that was provided and focused on the positivity of health and ability. During my race, I repeated the mantra of challenging those ahead of me while inspiring those behind.

My swim was uneventful. I wore a sleeveless wetsuit and had some hand/finger numbness but otherwise an expected swim. I complained that there were too many red turn buoys, I was ready to be done with the swim. It started raining before the swim started and continued throughout the bike and even a little into the run.

While driving the course, we noted that the crew must’ve run out of caution paint because so many areas were highlighted! During the race, rather than use paint in some areas, IM chose to place signs that indicated “rough road ahead” as if the entire course wasn’t rough! The course was faster than expected and I never lost any equipment or suffered a flat.

This run course has the potential to be as good as Ironman Texas, especially considering the rain. Crowds were loud, dressed in costumes, and super supportive. I usually don’t mind about finish times but have noticed that I no longer wish to remain on the course once the broth is brought out, that smell turns my tummy! Even though spectators were smaller near the red carpet, leading up to the finish the energy was contagious!

This event was well executed with usual challenges of a first race. I enjoyed our stay in downtown and would do this race again!

Thanks to Tridot for preparing me through consistent training!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Training and Racing during Covid - IMFL Race Report 2020

Before reviewing my year, I want to start by saying that I am still passionate about the sport and helping others reach their goals. This year has been a roller coaster. I pivoted from trying to achieve a personal best to accepting a respectable finish. I maintained endurance with some threshold work sprinkled in but allowed myself grace. I needed to accept the stress that this virus has added to our lifestyle and find a way to continue to reach for my goals. The hardest part about the cancelled races has been the need to continue to train for the "what if". With full distance triathlons on my schedule through November, I had to continue to build endurance as it would have been too risky to race unprepared. 

Pre-Covid Race Schedule:
April - Ironman Texas...deferred to Waco in October....deferred back to The Woodlands for 2021
May - Ironman Tulsa...deferred to Ironman Florida in November 2020

After Ironman Texas was cancelled in Waco, I had to focus my energy toward Florida. I was well prepared for my April and May races. I let off a bit for the October race but was able to get my head into the game for this November. I was ready! I had been working to achieve race weight, which has effected my bike power but otherwise, I felt as ready as ever! As I consider my goals for IMFL, I like to have levels that can keep me motivated to finish...if I don't reach the first, I move on to the next. Plan A is to finish in under 12:46, a PR. Plan B is to have a run under 5:23, a PR. Plan C is a healthy race with a respectable finish. 

One of the most difficult aspects of race week are balancing family, work, and the upcoming race. Planning, packing, and travel...oh my! Although this is my 7th ironman, I still worry about packing the right items while NOT wasting anything. The new protocols that eliminate the change tent, has added a wrinkle because I want to have the option to change clothes before the marathon. This race, in particular, carries the unknown of ocean swimming and the wildlife that I may encounter, most notable the jellyfish!

Notable changes to Ironman Protocol for this race. 
Packet pickup reservations, but they weren't strictly enforced
Temperature and questions every time you entered the village/transition
Mandatory face coverings 
Transition bike spacing was AWESOME, 4 bikes per rack
Bags at your bike, like at a shorter event
Race Day:
Notices for NO spectators 
Queue based on finish time, escorted from transition to swim start
Notices for athletes to be "self-sufficient" 
Less aid stations for the bike and run
Touchless finish line

Race Day
Water was choppy past the pier
Note to all, salt water burns your throat
"find your rhythm" relax into the waves to find the right breathing pattern
Deep sand to run in for second loop
Water shower was not enough, glad I had a bottle of water in transition
Mostly headwind out then tailwind in but lots of crosswind too
Aid stations 15-20 miles apart
Bonked a bit, should have started eating sooner, 1:15- banana never tasted so good
Deck changed my shorts
Took 4 miles to settle in
Aid stations 2 miles apart
Narrow course for both directions of athletes + 70.3
Dark early but never cooled down much

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating with periods of fasting (no insulin producing foods) and feasting (eating). There are several types of programs that include, alternate day fasting, time restricted feeding, and periodic fasting. Other versions of this eating plan are the Warrior Diet and the Fast Five Diet. 

Common Terms

  • IF - intermittent fasting
  • Window - refers to the time of day that is for fasting:feasting, 16:8 = 16 hours of fasting: 8 hours feasting
  • Clean fast - consuming only non-caloric and bitter foods. The list is short and includes water, black coffee, black or green tea, and mineral water. No artificial sweeteners or flavorings. 
  • NSV - non-scale victory ie clear skin, mental clarity, more energy
  • OMAD - one  meal a day
  • ADF - alternate day fasting or up/down
Popular Media
  • Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens
  • The Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting by Dr. Jason Fung
  • Intermittent Fasting Stories with Gin Stephens
  • The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung
  • New England Journal of Medicine article
  • Quick Informative Video - Link
  • Appetite Correction by Dr. Herring
As of today, I have been practicing intermittent fasting for 80 days. I have noticed reduced inflamation in my joints, less bloating, and weight loss (about 1 pound per week). I have more time because I am not focused on "what's for breakfast" and "when is my next meal". I generally fast for 18-22 hours each day and eat a snack and dinner. I have not changed the type of foods I eat but have noticed negative side effects to eating too much sugar and dairy or even large amounts of simple carbohydrates. When on vacation, I modify my schedule with a longer eating window. As with many followers, this is not a diet but a way of life. I feel freedom and want to eat foods that are "window worthy" and make me feel good. 

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Has it really been a year!?!

Crazy how time flies and priorities change. The hardest part of writing a "year in review" is whether to categorize it by seasons or by pre-COVID/post-COVID! We had so many fun experiences until March when COVID entered the picture. Below is the highlight reel. 

Fall 2019 - 


  • Full time preschool teacher- all 5 days with 
  • Kids sports- cross country, swim, LOTC, band
  • Downton Abbey with Granny
  • Halloween with the littles at church
  • Waco 70.3
  • Nashville trip

Winter 2020 - 

  • Cupping- first time
  • Aramco 1/2 marathon
  • Hot Chocolate 5k - a PR for me!
  • Tri Camp - first time focusing on having the BEST year
  • Detroit - Garth Brooks in concert!!!

Spring 2020 - 

  • Disneyland - first time to visit Star Wars Land
  • COVID - Distance Learning 
  • Virtual Bluebell 5k - not as fun as the real thing
  • Postponed Tulsa Ironman and Texas Ironman 
  • NO summer swim league 
  • First job for Big T - Lifeguard

Summer 2020 - 

  • Garage fire - how could such a little thing cause so much damage?
  • Wisdom teeth for Big T

Fall 2020


  • Just waiting for school to resume again! We just returned from a mid-week break at the beach. Big T has been swimming and running to prepare for the sports season. Big T turns 16 this year and has a nice car sitting in the driveway! Little T is reluctant to end his 5-month hiatus from schedules. JT continues to work from home and we're happy that he has kept his position through this volatile economy. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

A New Chapter

As one door closes, another opens. I have enjoyed a flexible schedule while the boys have grown up and in a few short weeks will begin a new chapter.

I accepted a full time position teaching five days. Early childhood allows me to spend time with the boys before and after school. I also get to keep teaching group exercise at the Y and am available for carpool.

The downside is the effect it will have on my triathlon training schedule and my availability to connect with friends during lunch.

I welcome the change and look forward to navigating the ups and downs. Follow me at #TriGirlTeacher to see all the fun things we do in the classroom!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It's been a busy few months!

I turned 40 and completed my 5th Ironman in Florida! It was a magical trip without the boys. We did some recon for the Disney trip for spring break and enjoyed some quality time in the sunshine state.

The new year brought a completion to the cross country and swim season for Thomas.

The cooler weather came with lots of opportunities to support my athletes and run some races. I ran a 2-person relay with a good friend's daughter, a 5k with Tyler, and the Aramco 1/2 marathon! It was fun to support athletes at the Cypress 1/ 2 marathon and coached athlete, Amanda, during her 50 mile race!

Monday, August 6, 2018

13 Weeks to IMFL

The workouts are getting longer and the weeks seem to blend together. I appreciate the extra time to train that summer provides but the heat and humidity are excruciating!

In just 88 days, I'll be towing the line of my "A" race, supported by my number ONE race sherpa! My training has been consistent and progressive with a focus on run speed. My goal is to break my record from IMTX 2017. 

These workouts are not for the faint of heart. It takes determination and motivation to complete each one. To race strong, I have to put in the work!

My workout plan for this week: 
Sunday: 2-hour run (negative split with last 6 miles at 10 min pace)
Monday: Aire Pod (strength) + RPM (teach indoor cycle class)
Tuesday: RPM (teaching) + Swim 2500 meters
Wednesday: 45 minute run w/ the kids
Thursday: Aire Pod (teaching) + Swim 3200 meters
Friday: Cycle 260 minutes + Brick Run 20-30 minutes
Saturday: Rest

Monday, February 12, 2018

Ironman Florida 2018

I pulled the trigger and registered last night!

2018 is the 20th anniversary of this race. It has long been on my radar as an event that looks fun, interesting and well suited to my strengths. Held on November 3, it will be just 2 days after my 40th birthday. Call it a mid-life crisis but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

The course is a 2-loop ocean swim, mostly flat bike, and a 2-loop run.
IMFL Website

When researching the venue, there are lots of condos at affordable prices on the water and near transition. It is a short 10 hour drive from Houston.

Official training begins in June!

Friday, January 26, 2018

NutriSystem- Turbo TakeOff

Although I have weight to lose, I struggle with restrictive diets. I chose to start this program with my husband so that we can be accountability partners. My perspective of the program is that it is simply a meal delivery service with a few fresh additions. Great for portion control and consistency!

The shipment! In addition to our "uniquely yours" food order, we received the Turbo Takeoff box. We were instructed to only open the Turbo box so that the food doesn't get mixed up. Included each day is a breakfast, shake, lunch, bar, and dinner. You are asked to add at least 4 servings of non-starchy vegetables and 64 oz of water.

Week 1: Turbo Takeoff - January 15-21, 2018
Starting weight 178.1

Day 1 was not too hard. It is clear that the portions are VERY small but they are frequent. I struggled with meal timing because I taught a cycle class mid-morning but it all worked out.
Total calories 950.

Day 2 was still not a struggle. I do catch myself going toward the kitchen for a little snack, I catch myself because I am committed to the plan. I joined a Facebook support group hoping to get some good ideas about making the food more palatable since much of it comes in pouches. Looks like a mixture of astronaut and camping food! Today I substituted a a 1/2 sweet potato for piece of whole grain bread, topped with the BBQ chicken pouch, it was quite good!
Total calories 1011.

Day 3. Weight 175.4
*I weighed in today "weigh in Wednesday" down 2.7 pounds
I'm not hungry but I am demoralized by the small quantity of food. I tend to save a couple veggies for later in the day when I know the munchies will attack! I read a post about adding cauliflower rice to the base of soup-based items, like my chili dinner. It was okay but the texture of the cauliflower was a little weird. I also read about a veggie soup that is considered "free" since it is broth based and full of veggies. I made a big batch, separated it into 10 smaller containers, and plan to add this option as a veggie or to help add flavor and bulk to soup-type meals.
Total calories 925.

Day 4. Weight 174.4
I have to go to work today so I've been trying to simplify my meal plans but also make sure that they are filling since I often get hungry for a salty/sweet snack while teaching. I started my day with the chocolate muffin, much better than I expected with little chocolate chips for texture! I really wanted to snack when I got home from work, habit and the result of a stressful day, but made it until dinner. The best part of this journey has been Tyler's willingness and eagerness to eat frozen meals for lunch/dinner, very supportive and a healthy potion for him.
Total calories 930

Day 5. Weight 173.3
Over the hump and nearing the first of many finish lines! I am optimistic that I can get my weight under the 170# mark by the end of this week. Like others, I want to get the most out of this week since it is likely the largest weight loss that I will see in one week. Starting in the 160s will set the scene for gradual weight loss but a much happier me.
Total calories 830

Day 6. Weight 173.3
Not a fan of my breakfast today, blueberry lemon bar but my 3-cheese chicken lunch was yummy. I made another batch of soup today. Much more bland and decided to leave it chunky. It was good and filling.
Total calories 800

Day 7. Weight 172.0
Excited and nervous to start the real program. I got a little light headed while teaching class so I started adding a protein (boiled egg) to my dinner salad to help add some calories. I am happy with my weight loss although secretly I was hoping to hit 169.9 before starting the rest of the program. I am super committed and eager to see what I can accomplish. 
Total calories 870

7- Days total weight loss = 6.1 pounds