Sunday, May 17, 2015

IMTX Race Report - 2015

IMTX 2015 Race Report
Finish Time: 13:33

***Goal*** Finish the race in 13:XX. Third time’s a charm!

This year I added a new variable to my race…staying in a local hotel. When packing, I had a hard time figuring out what I “might” want to eat/drink/wear. Of course, I missed a few items that I will add to my packing lists for next time…IF there is a next time.

After a restless night, I woke at 4am to prepare for the race. I drank my coffee and double checked my bags. I made a list of the items I needed to add to my transition bags, and put on my bike. We drove to transition at about 4:50 so that I could walk over and set up. The transition area was still a muddy mess but I was able to take care of my pre-race gear set up as planned.

Swim: 1:21
Jason dropped me off at the swim start. I went to the restroom first, interestingly I was one of a few that used the real bathrooms. I dropped my run and bike special needs bags and found a spot to sit. I ate my pop tart and finished drinking my Gatorade. At about 6:15, I dropped my morning clothes bag and walked to the swim seeding area. It was a little disorganized because the lines for the port-o-cans were in the way of the swimmers that were lining up. I ran into some friends, chatted about strategy, then got in line at the back of the 1:10-1:20 pace group. The rolling start worked well. I did not have as much anxiety about the water BUT I did not ever feel like I had clean water, there were always people around. I did not have too much contact in the water, just the usual tagging of the feet and an occasional arm. My goal was to find a draft and to “stay in the present”. I had a hard time with the draft but did a good job with my mantra. ***I should have used more body glide on my arms and put on sunscreen before leaving the hotel.

Bike: 6:09
My goal for the bike was to back off the pace while saving my legs for the run, something I’ve never been able to do well. We had a tailwind on the way out to Richards. I had a hard time relaxing my shoulders/back for at least 5 miles. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to ride in aero position. I was able to find my place within 10 miles. Between miles 10-25, I pulled over twice to fix my saddle gear box, the lid wasn’t staying on tight.  I did well drinking my hand up each time (generally alternating water with Gatorade) and was taking salt tabs every hour. I didn’t feel “done” until mile 70 (too early in the race to feel it). After Richards, the road surface deteriorated and the headwind kicked up. The temperature had been rising and the cloud cover and shade had retreated. I was using water to cool off my body in preparation for the run. I never felt the need to pee.

Run: 5:45
I started the run feeling better than ever before. I used the restroom at the first aid station and would make it a habit for all three loops. I put ice in my bra, water down my head and back, and alternated water/salt tab with Gatorade. I ate a gu every hour.  I walked each aid station and usually once in between. In training, my insoles bunched up when I ran in the rain…when my shoes became soaked, the insoles bunched up again. I pulled out the insoles at about mile 14. By the third lap, my feet were sore and my legs hurt more after each walk break. As always, the vibe on the waterway keeps you going. From the guys in speedos with pumping music on the way out on each loop to the catapult crew and hippie hollow on the way back toward the finish line, it was awesome and much appreciated. I was surprised this year with friends and family cheering me on the waterway, it meant more than words!

T1: 6:44
T2: 9:32