Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just keep swimming...

I have progressed to a point in my Ironman training where the volume of miles starts to creep up. I have been successful at reaching the goal for the run and swim but still struggle to find the time and weather that will permit for longer rides.

Today, I procrastinated the swim twice before actually getting in the pool. At that point, I had determined that I had to swim at least 30 minutes before calling it quits! During my warm up, I made the decision that instead of trying to find a good excuse to quit and leave early, I would "just swim" without concern about pace.

My workout, 3600 yards 
400 warm up (200 swim/200 pull)
2x 10 minutes (~600)
2x 1000

I will admit that I could tell that I was slipping off my regular swim pace by the second 10-minute swim and started to get worried. With the first 1000, I just swam. Found a grove and stuck with it, that swim was my slowest all season at a 1:45/100yd. I decided to make the last set a pull and to treat it like it was the final 1000 of the race. I picked up the pace and checked my watch often, a sure sign that I was traveling out of my comfort zone. I kept repeating that a strong finish is awesome and that I had entered the canal in The Woodlands! It kept me motivated to finish the set.

Overall, I'm happy with the session. It's like when you go out for a ride and the wind is crazy, you call it a confidence booster. Today was a confidence booster in the pool. Even if I fall off the pace, I can still finish strong and get the work done!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Journey...My Way

As a result of social media, I have an idea of what others have on their schedule for specific training. Although I have a plan for the season, I take a ride on the roller coaster of emotions..."should I be completing that distance?" "why don't I have that many activities on my plan?" "what intervals are they completing?" I recently realized that I have been allowing other athletes to influence my training decisions.

I consider myself a highly competitive person with type A tendencies. I also realize that I only have so much time to dedicate to training while keeping my work and family priorities near the top of the list.

I spent much of last evening reviewing my training plan, self coached! The key workouts are there. The work commitments are there. The vacations and family obligations are there. So now...I do my best to get my workouts completed. I understand that I can't compare myself to other athletes...I don't know their priorities, work/family balance, goals for the race, weakness/strengths in each sport.

I write this in hopes that I can calm the anxiety. That I can share that it is normal to compare yourself to others but only so long as it is healthy. You are only accountable to yourself. As long as you are complacent with your choices, you have already won the race.

In the end, this is MY JOURNEY, MY WAY!