Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On the wagon again!

I spent much of last year losing about 20 pounds with Weight Watchers. I plateaued and became complacent with my weight as it was. Over the last several months, I maintained that weight loss, +-2 pounds. I started noticing about 3 weeks ago, the weight was creeping up. Very subtle.

My husband used the Quick Weight Loss program to lose weight, so I started looking at the meal plan. I wasn’t interested in taking supplements. I had another friend that had success on the QWL plan too. The plan calls for a 3-day cleanse. For 3 days, I ate (2) eggs, (2) clementine oranges, unlimited raw green vegetables, and at least 80 ounces of water. I was able to do this plan for 2 days.

I’ve analyzed the meal plan and made some adjustments that I think I can live with. Starting today, I feel pretty good so far. Not hungry…yet! Here’s my menu plan for today.