Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Marathon Season is Upon Us!

Months ago I registered for the Houston Marathon with a goal of a sub-5 hour run. I feel like it is a milestone time that I need to check off the bucket list. Have two marathons under my belt with a PR of 5:05. Generally, I am not a strong runner, I don't enjoy training for events longer than the half, and I find lots of excuses to put off those inevitable 20-milers.

I have re-joined my local running club, Cypress Running Club. I plan to commit to the Saturday long runs since they are supported with friends and hydration. I may also attend the Tuesday track sessions to work on endurance, pacing, and speed.

In addition to my time goal, I want to continue to enjoy running. I want to avoid injury through cross training and practicing safe techniques on the road. I want to find more like minded friends that enjoy exercise and being outdoors.

26 weeks to go! Official training started this week.

Training Plan