Friday, March 22, 2013

9 Weeks to Ironman Texas!

9 weeks out from my second Ironman race, I’m starting to get concerned about AFTER the race. Will I get depressed? What will I do with my extra time? Will I be happy with my performance? Will I still have the love of the sport?

I have struggled with training, scolded myself for missing a workout or cutting it short, guilted myself about being selfish. Through it all, I have been able to continue to lose weight, volunteer at the elementary school, keep the house somewhat clean, and prepare healthy meals for my family.

There is said to be a standard dynamic for multi-time Ironman athletes. Wherein the first race, training is on par with the schedule and race goals are met.   The second time, athletes are slack with the plan and often do not reach their race goals. A sort of over-confidence takes over and a decline in performance results. The third time, after a disappointing 2nd race, the athlete sticks to the plan and reaches/exceeds race goals.

Having this information, I am trying to make a conscious effort to stay focused, to follow the plan, and to put in the work so that I can reach my race goals. I’ve announced that I want to finish while the sun is still up which indicates a finish during the 13th hour. To do this, I have to take at least 49 minutes off my previous time. I plan to save some minutes on transition and jog more of the run. In the end, win or lose I will never regret working hard, making sacrifices, being disciplined or focusing too much…when I become and IRONMAN!