Thursday, January 22, 2015

On the run course....

Last weekend, I ran the Houston Aramco 1/2 Marathon.

After succumbing to the prospect of THREE medals, I entered the ABB 5k on Saturday to be followed by the 1/2 on Sunday. At the start line on Saturday, I heard many grumblings about "why did I think this was worth it?" "what was I thinking?" "was it necessary to wake up early two-days in a row AND pay for parking?" I towed the line with  a small contingent from my running club and one of my training partners. We made simple goals which were based on keeping the pace light since we were all running the next day.  My partner and I started easy, chatting as the time passed but soon found ourselves running faster and talking less. By the time we crossed the finish line, we had initiated a 3/4 mile kick to the finish and came in over 45 seconds/mile faster than planned. Of course we felt great and could've gone faster but we felt good.

Showing up on Sunday for the 1/2 marathon, we started to feel the effects of waking up early and having the adrenaline rush that comes with racing. Again, plans were made for pace. I am still training for my Ironman in May so I wanted to keep this run "training pace." My partner and I started slow and negative split the event. We stopped for Vaseline and photos with family. Our finish time was at the fast end of the plan but 100% on goal. It's hard to run "the plan" and not feel like you missed the mark. I am still struggling with the self-doubt and what-ifs of running a faster race but I know the plan will help me achieve my goal for Ironman.

During the first couple of miles, I found myself nostalgic for the full marathon. I have rarely run a stand alone marathon and have never finished under 5 hours. I remember saying that I should train and complete a marathon, maybe next year. It's on the bucket list! Mind you, this was in the first couple of miles of the mile 10, I was singing a different tune. This distance is great! Why would anyone want to run more? Did I really say I wanted to do a full?

As the soreness has started to wane and my desire to "race" has started to settle back in...I find myself back to thinking about the full distance. What course would I want to race? Who will run with me to help me achieve my goal?