Monday, August 6, 2018

13 Weeks to IMFL

The workouts are getting longer and the weeks seem to blend together. I appreciate the extra time to train that summer provides but the heat and humidity are excruciating!

In just 88 days, I'll be towing the line of my "A" race, supported by my number ONE race sherpa! My training has been consistent and progressive with a focus on run speed. My goal is to break my record from IMTX 2017. 

These workouts are not for the faint of heart. It takes determination and motivation to complete each one. To race strong, I have to put in the work!

My workout plan for this week: 
Sunday: 2-hour run (negative split with last 6 miles at 10 min pace)
Monday: Aire Pod (strength) + RPM (teach indoor cycle class)
Tuesday: RPM (teaching) + Swim 2500 meters
Wednesday: 45 minute run w/ the kids
Thursday: Aire Pod (teaching) + Swim 3200 meters
Friday: Cycle 260 minutes + Brick Run 20-30 minutes
Saturday: Rest

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